"The Frontier"

"The Frontier"

"The Frontier" - Phase 2 Trail Overview
Phase 2 adds 3 km of mountain bike specific trails to the existing Libro Trails.
Phase 2 consists of XC cross country trails built on the rolling hills and terrain located directly behind the Libro Centre in Amherstburg, ON.
Interconnected Trail Network!
Phase 2 "The Frontier" trail loop connects with the current Phase 1 trails to create a fully connected trail network for riders to enjoy!
With Phase 2 installed at the Libro Centre, the trail network now consists of close to 5 km of rideable mountain bike specific trails.

Skill Progression
Phase 2 is designed and constructed as an "intermediate" blue level trail to compliment the already existing "beginner" green XC cross country trail constructed in Phase 1.
This more difficult trail will allow riders to progress their riding skills and offer a new set of challenges and diverse trail features.
Go check out the Phase 2 jump line at Libro Centre trails!
Community Trail Building
Phase 2 was constructed entirely by local WEBC volunteer trail builders utilizing our official land stewardship agreement with the Town of Amherstburg.
WEBC used close to 1000 volunteer trail building hours and raised over $50,000 in community donations to construct Phase 2!

Libro Centre Trails: A Cycling Destination!
With the addition of Phase 2, the Libro Centre trails now have enough trail distance to properly host WEBC group rides and race events!